Perico Frentirrojo/Scarlet-fronted Parakeet/Psittacara wagleri

Psittacara wagleri

Nombre en español: Perico Frentirrojo

Nombre en ingles: Scarlet-fronted Parakeet

Nombre científico: Psittacara wagleri

Familia: Psittacidae

Foto: Niky Carrera Levy

Canto: Andrew Spencer

El perico de frente escarlata (Psittacara wagleri), también conocido como aratinga de Wagler,​ perico frentirrojoperiquito de frente roja o chacaraco,​ es una especie de ave sudamericana del género Psittacara, de la familia de los loros (Psittacidae), que se distribuye por Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. En quechua ancashino, reciben el nombre de qaqchu.

Scarlet-fronted parakeet

The scarlet-fronted parakeet (Psittacara wagleri), also known as the scarlet-fronted conure, red-fronted conure or Wagler’s conure, is a long-tailed South American species of parrot. It is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forest, subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest, subtropical or tropical moist montane forest, and especially high-altitude shrubland and forest; it is also known to visit heavily degraded former forest.

Identification: Red plumage may extend over the top of the head to just behind the eyes, depending on the race. Scattered red feathering may also be present on the throat. Thighs are red. Sexes are alike. Young birds have greatly reduced area of red on the head.

The Cordilleran parakeet was considered conspecific.

Psittacara wagleri


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