Picoplano Colirrufo/Rufous-tailed Flatbill/Ramphotrigon ruficauda

Nombre en español: Picoplano Colirrufo

Nombre en ingles: Rufous-tailed Flatbill

Nombre científico: Ramphotrigon ruficauda

Familia: Tyrannidae

Foto: Jorge Muñoz

Canto: Andrew Spencer

El picoplano colirrufo (Ramphotrigon ruficauda)​ es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Tyrannidae, que se encuentra en Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guayana francesa, Guyana, Perú, Surinam y Venezuela.​


Vive en el sotobosque del bosque húmedo de la Amazonia, tanto en tierra firme como en las zonas inundables,​ pr debajo de los 700 m de altitud.


El picoplano colirrufo mide 15 a 16 cm de longitud y pesa entre 17,6 y 20,1 g. El plumaje de las partes superiores es verde oliva, con el obispillo y las timoneras de color rojizo rufo brillante y las barras de las alas y los bordes de las remeras color castaño rufo. Las partes inferiores son verde oliva claro cn la garganta grisácea, el pecho con tintes amarillos, el centro del vientre amarillento y las coberteras subcaudales rufas. Su iris es castaño oscuro y su pico es negro con la base de la mandíbula color crema o rosado. Sus patas son de color gris azulado.


Su llamado es un silbido de tono bajo, suave y prolongado wiieieiwii, seguido a veces de una nota sibilante baja y breve y como un maullido bajo ascendente-descendente o un poco tembloroso miuu o con énfasis terminal miuu’UUuu’WIpur!.


Se alimenta de insectos, que toma del follaje o en las ramas.

Rufous-tailed flatbill

The rufous-tailed flatbill (Ramphotrigon ruficauda) is a species of bird in the family Tyrannidae. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests.

Rufous-tailed flatbill is a fairly common flycatcher of lowland forest in northern South America. It is somewhat solitary in areas of open understory in varzea and terra firme lowland humid forest, primarily in the Orinoco and Amazon drainages. The species is a distinctive, small flycatcher, mostly olive on the body with an obviously rufous tail and blackish wings with rufous edging. The rufous-tailed flatbill is most frequently located by its call, a two-part whistle with the first part long and rising and the second part lower and abbreviated.


It occurs in humid lowland evergreen forest. It usually forages in the midstory of terra firme forest. It prefers sites with an open understory.


The genus Ramphotrigon used to be considered to be related to Tolmomyias and Rhynchocyclus, two other genera of small tyrant flycatchers with broad bills . It is proposed that Ramphotrigon was more closely related to Myiarchus, due to shared derived features of the cranium and syrinx, and to shared similarities in nest site. Two recent phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequence data yielded somewhat incongruent information on the relationships of Ramphotrigon. Both studies confirmed, however, that Ramphotrigon is not at all closely related to Tolmomyias or Rhynchocyclus. It is found that Ramphotrigon is basal to a clade that includes Myiarchus (as well as Tyrannus and related genera),


Call or day song is a low-pitched whistle. This vocalization has been described as «a softly whistled minge like, drawn-out weeeaaaweee, sometimes followed by [a] brief low note, has wheezy quality», and as «a low, rising-falling or slightly quavering, mewing whistle: meeooo, or with terminal emphasis: meeooo’OO . The dawn song is similar to «an alternating mournful toooo, reer; wheeee-oooh, the last two notes being like the normal daytime song» or «a low mewing whistle ending with a higher hiccup: meeoooOOoo’WEEpur!»

Similar species

The sharply two-toned basic pattern of the rufous-tailed flatbill – an olive-green bird with a bright rufous tail and wings – is distinctive and easily identifiable. Compare to dusky-tailed flatbill (Ramphotrigon fuscicauda), which has dusky rectrices and remiges and a more heavily streaked breast.


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