Plañidera Manchada/Speckled Mourner/Laniocera rufescens 

Foto: Aaron Maizlish (cc)

Nombre en español: Plañidera ManchadaNombre en inglés: Speckled Mourner

Nombre científico: Laniocera rufescens

Familia: Tityridae

Canto: Peter Boesman

La plañidera moteada​ (Laniocera rufescens), también conocida como plañidera jaspeada o plañidera moteada,​ es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Tityridae.​ Es un pequeño ave insectívoro, nativo de América Central y el noroeste de Sudamérica. Tiene tres subespecies reconocidas.​

Distribución y hábitat

Su área de distribución incluye México, Belice, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia y Ecuador.​Su hábitat se compone de humedales y bosque subtropical y tropical.​

Se encuentra en los niveles alto y medio del sotobosque del bosque húmedo, por debajo de los 1000 m de altitud,​ cerca de las quebradas, márgenes de corrientes de agua y pantanos.​


Mide 20 cm de longitud y pesa 48 g. El plumaje del cuerpo y la cabeza es rufo, con la coronilla más oscura y la rabadilla más clara. Presenta un escamado delgado o un barreteado fusco en las partes superiores y el pecho. Las coberteras alares son fuscas con borde grueso rufo. Los machos presentan un parche entre amarillo y anaranjado en el pecho, que generalmente está oculto. El pico es negruzco, excepto la base de la mandíbula que es grisácea; las patas son grises.​


Se reconocen las siguientes subespecies:​

  • Laniocera rufescens griseigula Meyer de Schauensee, 1950
  • Laniocera rufescens rufescens (P. L. Sclater, 1858)
  • Laniocera rufescens tertia (Hartert, 1902)

Speckled mourner

The speckled mourner (Laniocera rufescens) is a species of bird in the family Tityridae. It has traditionally been placed in the family Cotingidae, but evidence strongly suggest it is better placed in Tityridae, where it is now placed by the SACC. It is found in Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest.


The speckled mourner grows to a length of about 20 cm (8 in). It has a rounded head and a narrow yellow ring round the eye. The upper parts are reddish-brown with some barring on the wings, and the underparts are a similar colour, often with darker scaling. Males have a tuft of yellow feathers on the breast, but this is usually kept concealed. The rufous mourner (Rhytipterna holerythra) has similar colouring but has a differently-shaped head, a narrower-based beak (it is an insect-eater) and lacks the breast and wing markings. Another bird with which it could be confused is the rufous piha (Lipaugus unirufus), but that has a broader-based beak as befits an omnivorous diet, and more uniform colouring, with no yellow pectoral tuft.

This bird is of a retiring nature and seldom seen, but it makes its presence known with its clear, ringing song, a sequence of about a dozen repeated «Tleeyr, tleeyeei, tleeyeei, tleeyeei …«, sung from a low perch.


The speckled mourner is found in Central America and northern South America, its range extending from Mexico to Panama, Belize, Colombia and Ecuador. It occurs in the middle and lower parts of the canopy in moist forest, at altitudes of up to about 1,000 m (3,300 ft).


Little is known of the breeding of this species. A generally solitary bird, it usually forages alone but it may join small groups of birds of mixed species. Its diet consists mainly of insects and other arthropods, small reptiles and fruit.


The speckled mourner is a generally uncommon species, with Panama probably being the country where it is most common; it was at one time described as «one of the scarcest of Middle American birds», suggesting that its scarcity is not as a result of recent deforestation. The population trend is probably downwards as a result of habitat loss, but the International Union for Conservation of Nature considers that its range is wide enough and the bird populous enough for its conservation status to be classified as being of least concern».

Fuentes: Wikipedia/eBird/xeno-canto

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