Conirrostro Orejiblanco/White-eared Conebill/Conirostrum leucogenys

Foto: Rodrigo Gaviria

Conirrostro Orejiblanco/White-eared Conebill/Conirostrum leucogenys


Canto: Andrew Spencer

El picocono orejiblanco (Conirostrum leucogenys) es una especie de ave paseriforme perteneciente a la familia Thraupidae.

Distribución y hábitat

Se encuentra en Colombia, Panamá, y Venezuela. Su hábitat natural son los bosques húmedos de las tierras bajas subtropicales o tropicales y bosques antiguos degradados.

Foto: Alejandro Cartagena


  • Conirostrum leucogenys cyanochrous
  • Conirostrum leucogenys leucogenys’
  • Conirostrum leucogenys panamense

White-eared conebill

The white-eared conebill (Conirostrum leucogenys) is a species of bird in the family Thraupidae.

It is found in Colombia, Panama, and Venezuela. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and heavily degraded former forest.

Foto: Ferney Salgado

A very distinctive and fairly common forest bird, the male White-eared Conebill has a black cap, obvious and contrasting white ear coverts, dark bluish upperparts, a white rump and wing speculum, and grayish underparts, except for the chestnut undertail coverts. In contrast, females distinctively more ‘obscurely’ plumage, being mainly bluish gray above, becoming pale yellowish buff over the face and underparts, although it shares the male’s sharply pointed bill. Fortunately, like many other conebills, pairs usually remain in close proximity. The White-eared Conebill’s main range is over northern Colombia and parts of northern Venezuela, but it also ranges to southern Colombia over the east slope of the Andes, and into easternmost Panama. Its altitudinal range lies mostly below 800 m.

Fuentes: Wikipedia/eBird/Neotropical Birds

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