Urraca Turquesa/Turquoise Jay/Cyanolyca turcosa

Foto: Nick Athanas

Nombre en español: Urraca Turquesa

Nombre en inglés: Turquoise Jay

Nombre científico: Cyanolyca turcosa

Familia: Corvidae

Canto: Andrew Spencer

La urraca turquesa o chara turquesa (Cyanolyca turcosa) es una especie de ave de la familia Corvidae, que se encuentra en Colombia, Ecuador y el Peru.

Foto: Brayan Coral


Mide 30 a 32 cm de longitud. El plumaje es predominantemente azul turquesa brillante, con tonos azul obscuro, más obscuros en el dorso, el lado superior de la cola y las partes inferiores y claros a través de la corona que se hacen blancuzcos en la frente. Presenta una banda negra ancha como antifaz a través de los ojos, que conecta con un delgado collar negro alrededor de la garganta. El lado inferior de la cola es negruzco. Tiene pico fuerte relativamente grueso negro, iris marrón oscuro y patas negras.

Distribución y Hábitat

Se encuentra a lo largo de los Andes, desde la cordillera occidental al sur de Colombia, hasta el norte de Perú, en elevaciones entre los 2000 y 3000 m de altitud. Prefiere el Bosque húmedo o ambientes húmedos con abundantes árboles y arbustos. Se encuentra en bosques siempreverdes montanos y bosques enanos con espesa vegetación.

Foto: Antonio Upegui


Es omnívora. Come insectos, bayas, huevos y pequeños pájaros de otras especies. Al igual que otras urracas, explora el estrato medio y el dosel de los árboles en busca de alimento y examina la vegetación a lo largo del camino.


Varios individuos de una banda participan en la construcción del nido en las bifurcaciones de las ramas, cerca de las copas de los árboles hacia el centro de los mismos. Las áreas en que se ubican los nidos son generalmente aisladas. El macho generalmente alimentar y cuidar a la mujer mientras ella está incubando los huevos.

Foto: Ferney Salgado

Turquoise jay

The turquoise jay (Cyanolyca turcosa) is a species of bird in the family Corvidae.

The turquoise jay is a vibrant blue jay with a black face mask and collar. It is found exclusively in South America throughout southern Colombia, Ecuador, and northern Peru. The turquoise jay prefers a humid habitat of montane evergreen forest and elfin forest with both primary and secondary growth. This bird is omnivorous and is known to eat insects, berries, eggs, and young birds of other species. Turquoise jays are nonmigratory and tend to travel in mixed flocks.


Order and family

The order Passeriformes, commonly referred to as “perching birds,” is perhaps the largest and most diverse order of birds. These birds are found worldwide, excluding Antarctica, but have their highest concentration in the tropics. Their sizes range from just a few grams to over a kilogram in weight, and they are generally colorful songbirds.

Foto: Angel Martínez

The family Corvidae is in the order Passeriformes and includes the jays, magpies, and crows. Most of the birds are strongly built, are stout-billed, and are some of the largest birds in Passeriformes. In most cases there exists no sexual dimorphism. Corvids have loud, harsh voices and an advanced social organization. Individuals in a colony will take care of one another and generally a pair will mate for life. Corvids can be destructive; often they rob nests and ruin crops, however they are extremely intelligent and are resourceful scavengers. There are over 120 known species in the family Corvidae.

Related species

Similar species include the beautiful jay, the black-collared jay, and the white-collared jay. The turquoise jay is sympatric with the black-collared jay; both inhabit northwestern South America, though the black-collared jay is less green in color and has a much longer tail. The white-collared jay is also prevalent in northwestern South America, but differs in appearance from the turquoise jay by a white forecrown, black undertail, thin white collar, and general darker blue color. The beautiful jay is a rare jay that exists only on a thin strip of the western Andes between Colombia and Ecuador. It is different from the turquoise jay by a darker color overall, smaller size, and the absence of a black collar. The turquoise jay has no subspecies.Guango Lodge, Ecuador


There exists no sexual dimorphism within the species. Adult turquoise jays are mainly a vibrant, blue-green color that can change depending on the lighting. The underside of the wings and tail are black. The turquoise jay has a thick, black face mask that extends to the auriculars and connects to a thin, black collar the wraps around the throat but does not extend around the nape of the neck. The forecrown of the turquoise jay is very light and almost white in color. The iris of the bird is brown while the legs, feet, and bill are all black. Juveniles have a duller color overall and lack the thin, black collar.


  • Total Length: 32 cm
  • Wing Length: 137 mm
  • Tail Length: 142 mm
  • Bill Length: 34 mm
  • Tarsus Length: 39 mm

The primary vocalization of the turquoise jay is a short, descending whistle that is often heard in series. The tone of the whistle is loud and slightly hissy. Other sounds the turquoise jay can make include popping, squeaking, hissing, and static noises.

Distribution and habitat

The turquoise jay is endemic to South America. It is found along the western Andes Mountains from southern Colombia to northern Peru, mostly at elevations between 2000–3000 feet, depending on the country; in Colombia, the turquoise jay is normally found between 2600–3000 feet, while in Ecuador it is found at elevations as low as 2000 feet. This bird prefers humid environments with densely tangled trees and shrubs and forests with primary or secondary growth. The turquoise jay is found in tall, montane evergreen forest and short elfin forest with thick vegetation. It is also found in semi-degraded habitats. The conservation status of this bird is rated “least concern” because the populations in its geographic range are relatively stable. This bird is considered common within its geographic range.



The turquoise jay is omnivorous. Though little is known about the diet, the jay is confirmed to eat insects, berries, eggs, and the young of other birds. Like other jays, the turquoise jay will explore the midstory and canopy of trees in search of food, examining the vegetation along the way.


Little is known about the breeding habits of turquoise jays. The nests are generally constructed of moss and are built in the forks of branches near the crowns of trees. The areas in which nests are found are generally isolated and located centrally in the tree. Multiple individuals build the nest and care for the young. The male will generally feed and care for the female while she is incubating the eggs.

illustration by Keulemans, 1877


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2012). «Cyanolyca turcosa«. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species2012. Retrieved 26 November 2013.

Fuentes: Wikipedia/eBird/xeno-canto

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