Mirla Selvática/Pale-vented Thrush/Turdus obsoletus

Foto: Antonio Pessoa

Nombre en español: Mirla Selvática

Nombre en inglés: Pale-vented Thrush

Nombre científico: Turdus obsoletus

Familia: Turdidae

Canto: Peter Boesman

El zorzal ventripálido (Turdus obsoletus),​ también conocido como mirla selváticamirlo vientriblanco o tordo del Orinoco,​ es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia de los túrdidos. Es originaria del sur de Centroamérica y el norte de América del Sur.

Distribución y hábitat

Su hábitat natural son los bosques húmedos, bosques montanos y zonas degradadas. Es nativo de Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panamá y Perú. Está clasificado como preocupación menor por la IUCN.​

Foto: Guillermo Saborio


Se reconocen tres subespecies de esta ave:​

  • Turdus obsoletus colombianus
  • Turdus obsoletus obsoletus
  • Turdus obsoletus parambanus
Foto: Nick Athanas

Pale-vented thrush

The pale-vented thrush (Turdus obsoletus) is a species of bird in the family Turdidae.

It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical moist montane forests, and heavily degraded former forest.

Foto: Juan Pablo Arboleda

Ranging from Costa Rica south to western Ecuador, the Pale-vented Thrush is, like a great many Neotropical thrushes, a rather dull and uniformly colored bird. This species is dark rufous-brown above but rather paler below, with an obviously white vent, and a dark-streaked whitish chin and throat. The sexes are similar. It is found in most strata, except the canopy, of humid forest at altitudes ranging from c.500 to 1900 m, but is most frequently encountered at edges and around clearings. Like other thrushes, the Pale-vented Thrush is an omnivore, taking both insects and fruit, and although mainly arboreal it will descend to the ground to feed, and will form small single-species groups, as well as joining mixed-species foraging flocks.

Foto: Trevor Ellery

Field Identification

21·5–23 cm; 61–82 g. Nominate race  is dark rufous-brown above  , paler brown below, with dark-streaked ­whitish chin, whitish mid-belly to vent  , pale orange underwing-coverts; bill and legs  brownish grey-black. Sexes similar. Juvenile is like adult, but dark brown with buff spots and streaks above, double orangey-spotted wingbars, orange-buff with dark brown mottling below, with whitish chin and whitish belly to vent. Race parambanus is slightly darker brown above, no rich brown tones, belly centrally white; colombianus is paler or more fulvous than nominate, breast and flanks tinged olive.

Fuentes: Wikipedia/eBird/xeno-canto/Birds of the world

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